Musical Mondays: Cellphone & Where Have I Been?

Hi everyone! I'm back with another addition to Musical Mondays! But first off, I would like to apologize for not posting anything new for the past few days. I had to write a paper for math which took up most of my weekend and something that you guys may or may not know about me, is that school always comes first for me. That being said, it is finals week at my school so I will be very busy and cramped with school work from now until  next Tuesday (my last day of school). Once school is over I'll be back with my daily blogs which I am so looking forward to! But for now I'll present to you, this week's Musical Monday:
The name of this song is Cellphone and it is by a rapper named Dumbfounded. Normally rap is not a genre I listen to (Macklemore being an exception of course (; ), but this song I really like. I was introduced to it last summer, I believe, so now whenever I hear it I think of summer. This song is really awesome awesome and it's been getting me really excited for my summer break. I really love this song and it's definitely worth a listen so be sure to click on that play button(;

I have a couple more things to say really quick! First off, I finally went to the dermatologist and I hope to write about my visit very soon so keep an eye out for that. Next, I have a really awesome announcement to make regarding the lovely Yvette so really keep an eye out for that(; I'll talk to you guys soon and I'll see you next time! Bye(:


  1. oh i think i remembere you playing this song when we were at karina's grad party? not so sure but i remember playing life on your phone :) and i think this song came up haha it's a really cool song
