Exciting Announcement and OOTD

Hello everybody! I hope you're having a great day! I have a very exciting announcement to make(: My beautiful cousin and blogger, Yvette, will be visiting me for a week starting tomorrow(: This means for the following week I'll probably be posting all about what we're doing to enjoy our summer. I'm hoping to collaborate with her on a few posts and do some more DIYs and tutorials. This following week will be very fun so get pumped(;
This past weekend was Father's Day and my family and I celebrated by going to a shopping center near the beach and then going out to eat at a restaurant. While we were outside waiting to be seated I decided it was a good opportunity to do a quick OOTD. This resulted in lots of awkward posing in public while my sister laughed at me(;

*looking over at my sister while she laughs at me*

What's on me:
  • Stone Necklace- Thrifted
  • Foster the People Cropped Tank- This shirt was a gift but it was actually given to be as a t-shirt and then I cut it up to give it an edgy look(:
  • Floral Skirt- PacSun
  • Black Lace Bralette (barely visible in these pictures)- Forever 21
I really love this outfit because it can definitely be dressed up or down depending on the shoes and accessories you choose. I think the girly floral skirt really adds a nice contrast to the band tank tucked into it. If the weather's not as warm then you can add some sheer black tights and combat boots(:

I hope you guys enjoyed this OOTD and I'll talk to you guys soon(: Bye!


  1. I love this outfit and I really love the shirt haha we can probably be matching since I'm bringing my floral skirt as well :) hehe can't wait to see you love!

  2. okay we'll take lots of pictures then(:

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