General Update: 1.18.16

Hi everyone! So I have a lot of stuff in my life going on right now that have been really stressing me out but they mostly have to do with my love (or lack thereof) life and although I would like to tell you guys about it, I feel like it deserves its own post. Also I do't really know if I'm ready to talk about it. Not because I have a problem with it being public but simply because I don't really know how to express myself eloquently...

That being said, today's post is more of a general update, as the title would suggest, haha.

So I guess I'll just dive right into what's been going on. I'll go back a little bit just to put things into perspective but here goes.

I finished my first quarter of college last December and honestly I had such an amazing quarter. I'm so lucky to go to such a fantastic school and have so many wonderful people in my life. I learned a lot and I had a lot of fun. I can't believe how much happened to me my first ten weeks of my life. So yeah, fall quarter was probably the most fun I've ever had.

Winter quarter is different. First of all, the workload is a lot heavier. Also, the work is a lot harder. School work alone has been very stressful but hey, I'm here to study so what did I expect.

Also, I've talked about my struggles with acne on here before but I think the last time I actually went into the condition of my skin was a couple years ago when I was struggling with horrible cystic acne and I had to go on antibiotics. Since then, it has never been as bad as it got during that period. In fact, it had been quite a while now since I'd been very content with my skin. But recently, I would say maybe a month ago, I started to break out pretty badly. Currently as I type this I have such bad pimples. It really sucks and it makes me so self conscious.

I wear makeup every day and usually I don't like to go around without makeup because I just feel better when I'm wearing it. But a couple nights ago I was with a bunch of my floor mates and this was the first time they had seen me without makeup.  No one acknowledged it, which was good but the point I was getting at is that previously, I was self conscious about my makeup free face because I didn't like the way my eyes looked without makeup. But now, looking in the mirror, I'm fine with my facial features but I realized its actually my skin that makes me look bad without makeup. If I can fix my skin I think I'll be more inclined to have makeup free days. Not all the time because I like the way it looks and I genuinely have fun while doing it but I mean on like lazy weekends and such.

So as far as what I'm going to do about it I'm trying out something that I never have before. And since I like to be pretty explicit with you guys I don't mind sharing that I am taking birth control pills to see if I can get rid of my acne. I did some research and most people see the effects within the first three months. I've been taking it for 9 days so I have a ways to go. I asked for birth control that was specifically for acne so it should help. I got the pills from a Planned Parenthood near my school and I might make a separate post about that experience but we'll see. (Spoiler alert: it was great and they're a fantastic organization.)

So yeah other than school and skin I don't really have whole lot else to update you guys on but I'm sure I'll come up with more stuff as I go about my days. Like I said I have some crush related information to share but I don't actually want to talk about it right now so expect that later.

I'm glad I could update you guys on what I've been doing and how I've been. I'll talk to you guys soon. Bye!


  1. oohh awesome i loved this update :) it's always awesome to see your life unfold in this way because i can always come back to this post and look at it! I miss you girl and that's great that you have planned parenthood close to you! Take advantage of it gurllll, i hope your skin gets better and i'm sure it will, you are stressed out so of course hormones start to freak out and produce these devilish things we call pimples, but since you are taking these birth control pills i'm sure it'll show nice results in no time!! :D

    1. ahhh thank you love (✿ ♥‿♥)
      I'm glad you support my visit, its a little hush hush though because i didn't tell my parents hehe :}

    2. which is totally fine they don't need to know, it's your body and your choice :)
