Crocker Museum Visit

Hello everyone. It's been a while since I've written anything. I don't really have an excuse except for that I've been a bit lazy. I also started college recently, or rather, relatively recently considering the last post I made was in the summer. I won't talk about my college experience thus far in this post. I think eventually I would like to write a detailed post about how my first year of college has treated me but I'm not exactly ready to write it yet.

Hi, my name is Carolina and I like to go on tangents.

Anyways, this post is about my museum visit.

The art museum is located in Downtown Sacramento, only a short walk away from Old Sacramento.

I was really very impressed with this museum. To be completely honest, I didn't have very high expectations. I thought the museum would be a lot smaller and we would get through the whole thing pretty quickly. I went with a couple friends from school and we actually didn't even get to see the whole museum. The museum has three floors but only the second and third floor have artwork. We decided to start on the third floor and we weren't even halfway through it before we started to get hungry.

I really like museums so this trip was fun for me. Plus being in the city reminded me of my trips into Downtown San Diego back home. Sacramento isn't a big busy city like Los Angeles or San Diego, but it's something different so I enjoyed it.

The pictures I included in this post were of the pieces I found most interesting, but the painting below was my absolute favorite.

I found this painting so beautiful and I can't even really pinpoint why I find it so appealing but I do. My camera doesn't do this painting justice but in person, I find it rather impressive. It's so nicely detailed, down to the little hairs on her forehead. I'm really glad I found this piece.

I really don't have much more to say. This post was mostly for the purpose of sharing my picture. I'll include some if my ramblings in a later post. Maybe I'll bring back my "let's keep it real" posts. Although I never really stuck to that one, I still really like the idea behind it and I think it might actually help me to vent in a way. I've been in a weird mood lately but more on that another day...

I hope you all enjoyed reading this post and looking through my pictures. I really enjoyed writing again so perhaps I'll have to find a way to really make time to write. We shall see. For now, Bye!


  1. oh man!!! i don't know how i didn't see your posts before especially because i was on my blogpost yesterday!! but i'm going through them now, i love this!! i miss going to art museums, hopefully i'll be able to soon!! these are all stunning though, glad to see you enjoyed it and i would also love to see your college experience, but of course do that when you want to :)

    1. Ahh thank you! Yeah its a little hard to keep up with the blog during school but I was pretty bored the other day and I was like I know what I'll do (:
