Get Clear Beautiful Skin by...Eating?!

Hey everyone! So if you've been reading my blog for a while now, then you know that I'm  constantly struggling with acne on my face. I'm currently on antibiotics which has really helped me out but my skin is still far from perfect. I still have redness and blemishes so I'm  always looking for different home remedies and cures for my acne. Today I want to discuss with you guys some different foods that are said to naturally relieve your skin of blemishes. Everyone know the foods to avoid right? Dairy, anything greasy, etc. But foods that will improve your skin? Lets see what they are and why they'll improve your skin.
  • Sweet Potato: This one should be pretty easy right? Not only is it delicious, but its high levels of potassium, sodium, and vitamin A will aid your skin.
  • Green Tea: I swear by this with my life! The high levels of antioxidants will not only clear your skin but it will also build your immune system. Not only that but it will burn fat like other! As long as you drink it pure (doesn't matter if its hot or cold) this delicious drink will work wonders for you!
  • Acai Berry: This fruit is also very high in antioxidants which means youthful skin! Look for acai juice at your local grocery store.
  • Eggs: The protein and zinc in eggs along with vitamins A, D, and E are terrific for the skin. The yolk especially is the best part of the egg for clear skin, just watch out for that cholesterol! 
  • Avocado: Here's another given. Not only is this fruit tasty but its vitamins E and C will reduce inflammation and produce collagen.
  • Kale: One of the best skin-clearing foods! It's filled with vitamins A, B, E, and K. Not to mention its loaded with magnesium, iron, potassium, protein,and phosphorus. I've even heard it has more calcium than milk!(;
  • Broccoli: This tasty vegetable is extremely beneficial for your skin with its powerful antioxidants such as vitamins A,K,E,B, and C. Your skin will thank you if you have at least one or two servings a week. 
  • Water: Obviously, right? I cannot stress enough how important water is! Water is so pure and will flush your body of all the excess toxins within it. Don't just drink the "sufficient" amount. Keep drinking!!!
So there you have it! Eight foods to give you awesome skin. Stay Beautiful(:

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